
  • Name in Remix: udapp

  • kind: udapp

The udapp exposes an interface for interacting with the account and transaction.

|Type |Name |Description |———|———————|– |event |newTransaction |Triggered when a new transaction has been sent. |method |sendTransaction |Send a transaction only for testing networks. |method |getAccounts |Get an array with the accounts exposed. |method |createVMAccount |Add an account if using the VM provider.



newTransaction: Triggered when a new transaction has been sent.

client.udapp.on('newTransaction', (tx: RemixTx) => {
  // Do something
// OR
client.on('udapp', 'newTransaction', (tx: RemixTx) => {
  // Do something


sendTransaction: Send a transaction only for testing networks.

const transaction: RemixTx = {
  gasLimit: '0x2710',
  from: '0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c',
  to: '0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c'
  data: '0x...',
  value: '0x00',
  useCall: false
const receipt = await client.udapp.sendTransaction(transaction)
// OR
const receipt = await client.call('udapp', 'sendTransaction', transaction)

getAccounts: Get an array with the accounts exposed.

const accounts = await client.udapp.getAccounts()
// OR
const accounts = await client.call('udapp', 'getAccounts')

createVMAccount: Add an account if using the VM provider.

const privateKey = "71975fbf7fe448e004ac7ae54cad0a383c3906055a75468714156a07385e96ce"
const balance = "0x56BC75E2D63100000"
const address = await client.udapp.createVMAccount({ privateKey, balance })
// OR
const address = await client.call('udapp', 'createVMAccount', { privateKey, balance })


RemixTx: A modified version of the transaction for Remix. RemixTxReceipt: A modified version of the transaction receipt for Remix.

Type Definitions can be found here