Client API


PluginClient listen on a first handshake from the IDE before beeing able to communicate back. For that you need to wait for the Promise / callback onload to be called.

client.onload(() => /* Do something */)
client.onload().then(_ => /* Do Something now */)
await client.onload()


To listen to an event you need to provide the name of the plugin you’re listening on, and the name of the event :

client.on(/* pluginName */, /* eventName */, ...arguments)

For exemple if you want to listen to Solidity compilation :

client.on('solidity', 'compilationFinished', (target, source, version, data) => {
    /* Do Something on Compilation */

⚠️ Be sure that your plugin is loaded before listening on an event.

See all available event below.


You can call some methods exposed by the IDE with with the method call. You need to provide the name of the plugin, the name of the method, and the arguments of the methods :

await* pluginName */, /* methodName */, ...arguments)

Note: call is alway Promise

For example if you want to upsert the current file :

async function upsertCurrentFile(content: string) {
  const path = await'fileManager', 'getCurrentFile')
  await'fileManager', 'setFile', path, content)

⚠️ Be sure that your plugin is loaded before making any call.


Your plugin can emit events that other plugins can listen on.

client.emit(/* eventName */, ...arguments)

Let’s say your plugin build deploys a Readme for your contract on IPFS :

async function deployReadme(content) {
  const [ result ] = await ipfs.files.add(content);
  client.emit('readmeDeployed', result.hash)

Note: Be sure that your plugin is loaded before making any call.

Expose methods

Your plugin can also exposed methods to other plugins. For that you need to extends the PluginClient class, and override the methods property :

class MyPlugin extends PluginClient {
  methods: ['sayHello'];

  sayHello(name: string) {
    return `Hello ${name} !`;
const client = buildIframeClient(new MyPlugin())

When extending the PluginClient you need to connect your client to the iframe with buildIframeClient.

You can find an exemple here.