Engine Core

This is the core library used to create a new plugin engine.

| Name | Latest Version | | ———————————————–| :——————: | | @remixproject/engine | https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@remixproject/engine.svg?style=flat-squarebadge |

Use this library if you want to create an engine for a new environment.

If you want to create an engine for an existing envrionment, use the specific library. For example :


  1. Getting Started

  2. Plugin Communication

  3. Host a Plugin with UI

  4. External Plugins

  5. Plugin Service


| API | Description | | —————————-| :———————————-: | | Engine | Register plugins & redirect messages | | Manager | Activate & Deactive plugins |


The plugin connector is the main component of @remixproject/engine, it defines how an external plugin can connect to the engine. Checkout the documentation.

Getting started

npm install @remixproject/engine

The engine works a with two classes :

  • PluginManager: manage activation/deactivation

  • Engine: manage registration & communication

import { PluginManager, Engine, Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine'

const manager = new PluginManager()
const engine = new Engine()
const plugin = new Plugin({ name: 'plugin-name' })

// Wait for the manager to be loaded
await engine.onload()

// Register plugins
engine.register([manager, plugin])

// Activate plugins


The registration makes the plugin available for activation in the engine.

To register a plugin you need:

  • Profile: The ID card of your plugin.

  • Plugin: A class that expose the logic of the plugin.

const profile = {
  name: 'console',
  methods: ['print']

class Console extends Plugin {
  constructor() {
  print(msg: string) {
const consolePlugin = new Console()

// Register plugins

In the future, this part will be manage by a Marketplace plugin.


The activation process is managed by the PluginManager.

Activating a plugin makes it visible to other plugins. Now they can communicate.


The PluginManager is a plugin itself.


Plugin exposes a simple interface for communicate between plugins :

  • call: Call a method exposed by another plugin (This returns always a Promise).

  • on: Listen on event emitted by another plugin.

  • emit: Emit an event broadcasted to all listeners.

This code will call the method print from the plugin console with the parameter 'My message'.

plugin.call('console', 'print', 'My message')

Full code example

import { PluginManager, Engine, Plugin } from '@remixproject/engine'
const profile = {
  name: 'console',
  methods: ['print']

class Console extends Plugin {
  constructor() {
  print(msg: string) {

const manager = new PluginManager()
const engine = new Engine()
const emptyPlugin = new Plugin({ name: 'empty' })
const consolePlugin = new Console()

// Register plugins
engine.register([manager, plugin, consolePlugin])

// Activate plugins
manager.activatePlugin(['empty', 'console'])

// Plugin communication
emptyPlugin.call('console', 'print', 'My message')