Content Import

  • Name in Remix: solidityUnitTesting

  • kind: unitTesting

|Type |Name |Description | |———|———————–|————| |method |testFromPath |Run a solidity test that is inside the file system |method |testFromSource |Run a solidity test file from the source



testFromPath: Run a solidity test that is inside the file system

const path = "browser/ballot_test.sol"

const result = await'solidityUnitTesting', 'testFromPath', path)
// OR
const result = await client.solidityUnitTesting.testFromPath(path)

testFromSource: Run a solidity test file from the source

const testFile = `
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.6.0;
import "remix_tests.sol";
import "./HelloWorld.sol";  // HelloWorl.sol must be in "browser"

contract HelloWorldTest {
  HelloWorld helloWorld;
  function beforeEach() public {
    helloWorld = new HelloWorld();

  function checkPrint () public {
    string memory result = helloWorld.print();
    Assert.equal(result, string('Hello World!'), "Method 'print' should return 'Hello World!'");

const result = await'solidityUnitTesting', 'testFromSource', testFile)
// OR
const result = await client.solidityUnitTesting.testFromSource(testFile)


ContentImport: An object that describes the returned file

export interface UnitTestResult {
  totalFailing: number
  totalPassing: number
  totalTime: number
  errors: UnitTestError[]

Type Definitions can be found here